This last weekend, while home visiting our families for Christmas, we all gathered at Holy Cross Lutheran in North Miami for Caitlin's baptism. It was a small service, very quiet and intimate. Making the occasion even more special, Kathy was baptized along with Caitlin. This was reminiscent of my father being baptized along with me. It was a wonderful day.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
An Early Giggle
One of the most common comments about Caitlin is how happy she is. Kathy and I think so too. Given how happy she is, this clip is long overdue.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Developmental Milestones
This weekend we saw tremendous changes in Caitlin. She is eating from the spoon well as you can see. She took the spoon from me and wouldn't give it back! She rolled over repeatedly, giggled when we kissed her tummy, and chatted the whole weekend almost nonstop! We are also making significant progress on naptime! What a difference a weekend makes!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
In her walker at Grammy's house
Caitlin got another new experience at Grammy & Papa's house - going in a walker! She hasn't quite got the hang of it yet but she is working on it. When she gets really excited her legs kick and she moves just a little bit - and she can only move backwords! I anticipate having a little runner when we come back for Christmas!
Caitlin visiting Grammy & Papa's work
While we were down visiting for Thanksgiving Caitlin got to visit Grammy & Papa's work. The proud Grandparents had a great time showing her off!
My first taste of real food: mashed potatoes
Our pediatrician said that Caitlin could celebrate Thanksgiving with a small bite of mashed potatoes! This was her first taste of real food and her first experience with a spoon! She didn't seem to be a fan - she pushed it back out and made a face! Although I hear that all babies initially push food back out when first confronted with solids. This week the pediatrician gave the ok to start Caitlin eating Rice Cereal from a spoon and we will advance to veggies and fruit!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tummy Time Pushups!
Caitiln has been getting so strong - she practically does pushups during her tummy time now!
A Laugh is worth a thousand words
Last night when I took Caitlin for our walk she gave me a great surprise -her first laugh! I was making our choo-choo train noise (chug a chug a chug a chug a meep meep) when at the end she gave me a little chuckle! What a sweet sound!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Caitlin's First Cold :(
Well, Caitlin and her mommy are both sick this weekend. Caitlin's nose is a little bit "soupy" - she sounds like a pug when she breathes. She has a really good attitude about it, though. She hasn't been fussy or unhappy. She's been a little more sleepy than normal but that's about it. What a trooper!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Caitlin's First Visit to UCF
I've been waiting for today for a long time. We finally decided to pack up and head out to UCF for the day.
We used to live so close, it's interesting that it's a major undertaking now to make it all the way out there. Since we were in the area, we decided to call on some old friends. After a wonderful visit, we headed over to campus. It's really amazing how much it has changed. Kathy and I were discussing the fact that the kids starting at UCF now were in diapers when we were in High School! Some of these kids were born in 1990!
I've been so eager to take Caitlin to UCF and get some pictures. Our time there ended up being a bit rushed, but we didn't leave before we visited the major sites: The Administration building (had to take her to see the information booth), the Student Union, and the Computer Science building (where Kathy and I spent so much time)
I've been so eager to take Caitlin to UCF and get some pictures. Our time there ended up being a bit rushed, but we didn't leave before we visited the major sites: The Administration building (had to take her to see the information booth), the Student Union, and the Computer Science building (where Kathy and I spent so much time)
Caitlin Videos on Youtube
We have been making lots of little short videos from our archive of camcorder footage. These definately won't win an Oscar, but they are fun little shorts. You can view them on Youtube. More are coming soon so keep checking!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Conversations, Part 2
Caitlin and I had another chat this afternoon. This time we got it on video. Check it out!
I am convinced that Caitlin is on the verge of giggling. Yesterday I
was sitting with her and she made a little noise so I made the same noise back to her. That got her attention! Soon she made another noise and I mirrored it. She was so happy! Our conversation continued on for quite a while. She definitely seemed happy to have someone responding to her little noises. She has babbled at the "baby in the mirror" on her changing table before but, to my knowledge, this is the first time she has made a noise for our benefit. She was having a great time, but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it even more.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Learning to sit up by herself
Yesterday and today we have been practicing sitting up by ourself! Caitlin is able to sit up by herself for a minute or two. She even catches herself sometimes so she doesn't fall over! She really enjoys it! How exciting!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Caitlin smiling as she gets candy Trick or Treating
Caitlin's first Halloween was a blast. Each house we Trick or Treated at got a great big smile from Caitlin as they put candy in her pumpkin basket. Too cute!
Story time at the Umatilla Library for Halloween
Yesterday was the Umatilla Library's Halloween Story Time for newborns and toddlers. All of the kids came dressed up in their Halloween costumes. Too much fun!
Sleeping in her bouncy seat
This morning when I went to get a shower Caitlin had fallen back asleep on my chest. So I put her in the bouncy seat so I can see her from the shower. She was still alseep and started to droop to one side. I had to prop her up with the rolled up blankets on both sides. She slep through my whole shower!
Sitting like a big girl on the bed!
Caitlin has been working on sitting up. She can sit up if she has a little something behind her. She just needs a little bit of support. Today she sat on the bed while I put away some laundry and got dressed. What a cutie!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Napping in her swing
The past few weeks we have been having some napping issues in that Caitlin only wants to nap on Mommy, not in her swing or her crib. At night she goes to bed just find, but naps she seems to wake up as soon as I put her down. Today we had some luck and she napped in her swing twice. We are definately making progress - and this means that Mommy gets to eat lunch with both hands!!
Adding money to Caitlin's piggy bank
Caitlin's Great Grandparents send money in her Halloween Card so we have started adding it to her piggy bank. Too cute!
Hanging out in my turtle outfit!
This weekend Caitlin got dressed up in her turtle gear for her friend Aidan's first birthday party! The party was fun and Caitlin was well behaved. There were lots of fun games and things for the kids to do. It definately reminded us that she is growing up fast and soon she will be having a 1 year party. But this week she is only 12 weeks so we will savor it while we can!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy Sleeping Baby!
This week Caitlin is 10 weeks old and weighs in at 11lbs, 11oz! She shocked me this week by going 9 hours between feedings in the middle of the night - which means Mommy got 8 hours of continuous sleep (the dogs getting up excluded)! Woo Hoo! Mommy loves happy sleeping baby!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
This past week Caitlin had two BIG milestones! First on Thursday night she went 7.5 hours between feedings! Hooray for sleep! Then on Friday she rolled over for the first time! In one quick motion she went from her stomach to her back! I was such a proud, well-rested Mommy!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Caitlin's 1st visit to the library!
Wednesday Caitlin turned 9 weeks old! We made our first trip to the local library (Umatilla) and Caitlin got her very own library card! The Lake County Library System has a program that babies who register for their own library card get a free book! So we got to pick out a free book to keep which was fun! We also checked out a f ew books to read at home. Today was storytime at the Mount Dora library so we went and had fun with the other infants and toddlers. Too much fun!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Happy Caitlin - things I have noticed....
Friday Caitlin was crying and I just couldn't get her to settle down - so we went in the stroller out for a walk of the neighborhood while the weather was nice. Ahhh the power of the stroller! She calmed right down and had a great time looking around!
This weekend Caitlin had her tummy time and she almost rolled over from her front to her back! She had the top half of her body rolled over, but didn't quite make it with her bottom half. She has to work on refining that skill!
Also this weekend I noticed that she is refining her skill with her hands. She was repeatedly opening and closing her hands this weekend. As if to say... so that's how that works!
She smiles more everyday... not just at Eric and I but also she smiles at herself in the mirror and at toys she really likes. She amuses even herself!
This weekend Caitlin had her tummy time and she almost rolled over from her front to her back! She had the top half of her body rolled over, but didn't quite make it with her bottom half. She has to work on refining that skill!
Also this weekend I noticed that she is refining her skill with her hands. She was repeatedly opening and closing her hands this weekend. As if to say... so that's how that works!
She smiles more everyday... not just at Eric and I but also she smiles at herself in the mirror and at toys she really likes. She amuses even herself!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Caitlin 8 Weeks - Time for her shots!
Wednesday Caitlin was 8 weeks old.... so you know what that means.... a trip to the pediatrician. She got 3 injections - two on her left leg (see photo) and one on her right leg. She sure did scream - but I was able to calm her down after a few minutes by singing "The Wheels on the Bus" song! She didn't hold a grudge as you can see - she is a happy little baby later in the day. I think it was harder on me than it was on her! The doctor was really impressed with her strength (holding her head up) during the exam. He was also impressed that she was turning her head to search out his voice and very alert and aware. She is our little superstar!
She slept pretty much the whole day after having the shots.. she just woke up to eat. So I used the time wisely (sleep... no way!) by downloading the footage off of our camcorder and making a little video of her at the hospital. We have plenty more footage from her after that but I only had time to make one small video. Watching the footage I was again amazed at how much she has grown - its wild!
She slept pretty much the whole day after having the shots.. she just woke up to eat. So I used the time wisely (sleep... no way!) by downloading the footage off of our camcorder and making a little video of her at the hospital. We have plenty more footage from her after that but I only had time to make one small video. Watching the footage I was again amazed at how much she has grown - its wild!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A Day at the Park
Kathy, Caitlin and I had a nice outing this morning. Since before Caitlin was born,
Kathy and I had been talking about taking pictures of the area while Caitlin was young so that she would know what places looked like while she was young.
Today we went to Ferran Park in downtown Eustis. The park is right on Lake Eustis. I had been wanting to explore the park some more and it turned out to be a lot of fun. There were historical markers throughout the park and I ended up learning a lot of interesting facts about the city and its history. Hopefully these are the kinds of things Caitlin and I can share when she gets a little bit older.
There is a long boardwalk-type walkway which runs from the park to the community center down the street. The view of the lake is beautiful and there are plenty of gazebos to stop at along the way if you need to sit down and get out of the sun for a while. You can look across the lake and see the sailboats from the yacht club out for a sail. At the community center there is a very nice playground out of which I am sure we will get lots of use in a year or two. The community center is also right down the street from the Eustis Historical Museum and the Citrus Museum. I can't wait to take Caitlin to both of those places!
Caitlin was very awake for much of the trip. The new formula she is on has
really been fantastic. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Since she has been more comfortable after her feedings, we have really been getting to see more of her personality. She is at a stage where she enjoys grabbing onto things (especially Mommy's shirts and the hair on Daddy's arms). The best part, though, is that we get to see her wide awake and curious.
Now to pick a location for the next outing.
Today we went to Ferran Park in downtown Eustis. The park is right on Lake Eustis. I had been wanting to explore the park some more and it turned out to be a lot of fun. There were historical markers throughout the park and I ended up learning a lot of interesting facts about the city and its history. Hopefully these are the kinds of things Caitlin and I can share when she gets a little bit older.
Caitlin was very awake for much of the trip. The new formula she is on has
Now to pick a location for the next outing.
Hanging out with Daddy
Caitlin has discovered that she enjoys walking around on Daddy's shoulders! She can see so much more on Daddy's shoulders than Mommy's because Daddy is so tall! It's like she discovered a whole new world up there!
Friday, September 21, 2007
7 Weeks Old!
It's unbelievable how much Caitlin has changed in the last 7 weeks! Today at Mommy/Baby Tea she was very alert watching all of the other babies and moms. Today she gave me the widest smile Ihave ever seen - repeatedly... it was a major reward for all of our hard work!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Watching the UCF/Texas Game With Daddy
Caitlin and I watched UCF's first game in their new stadium this afternoon. She was a little less excited about it than me :)
Caitlin's first play date!
My friend Robin is visiting this weekend with her 6 month old Logan. This morning the babies played and had tummy time - Caitlin had her first official play date at home!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
6 Weeks Old Today!
Caitlin is 6 weeks old today! This morning we played on the tummy time lily pad and Caitlin was having lots of fun! Each day she gets more active and responsive!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Caitlin with Dr. Bartfield
Today was my 6 week checkup appointment so I took the opportunity to get a photo of Caitlin with Dr. Bartfield. Dr. Bartfield delivered Caitlin at Winnie Palmer on August 1, 2007. I love that she is smiling while he holds her!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
What a treat! Kathy and I were having breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning with her Mom and Aunt and I happened to see this book on the clearance shelf. It's a book I used to read as a child. I had just mentioned it in conversation with some friends a few weeks ago. I was so happy to be able to buy it for Caitlin.
Like Mother Like Daughter, Part 3
On the left is a photo of me with my turtle in 1977. On the right is a photo of Caitlin with my turtle. As the story goes... when I was a baby and my parents took me shopping I picked up this turtle and would not let it go. Now Caitlin can enjoy my turtle as well. Like Mother like Daughter!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
5 Weeks old today!
Caitlin is 5 weeks old today... new things... she likes to look at herself in the mirror and even grasped a toy today... too much fun!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
1 Month old today!
Caitlin is one month old today! Yesterday at her appointment she weighed 8 lbs, 10oz (exactly 2 lbs more than when she was born)! She certainly is growing - already wearing her 0-3 month clothes instead of the newborn clothes! She is also playing more with toys as you can see in the photo! It is hard to believe that it has been one month since she was born!
Monday, August 27, 2007
The hardest job I've ever had - being a Mom!
Being a new Mommy is without a doubt the hardest job I have ever had - and I would wager the hardest job I will ever have. I don't know that there is anything that could have prepared me for this all-encompassing little person. It's amazing how you come home from the hospital and focus one hundred percent on your newborn. Simple basic necessities you used to do - eat, get a shower, sleep, suddenly take second fiddle to your infant. Don't get me wrong - I am definately enjoying Caitlin and love taking care of her - but I have a newfound respect for Mothers!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Caitlin doesn't like Papa's stubbles!
When I was a little girl I wouldn't let my dad give me a kiss if he had a mustache or stubble. It looks like Caitlin inherited my preference as well! Here she is pushing away my dad's stubble!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
3 Weeks Old Today
It's hard to believe that Caitlin is 3 weeks old today! She has changed so much from when we first brought her home from the hospital. She has much more expression in her face now. At her pediatrician's checkup this morning she weighed in at 7lbs, 9.75oz and 20 in. She is definately growing and filling out! The doctor was very impressed with her strength (already starting to roll over and hold her head up)! She is starting to grasp and bat at toys. She has a few favorite toys (elephant rattle, rabbitt rattle, turtle rattle, and infantino beach band). It is still hard for me to grasp the concept that I am a Mommy!
What a difference 3 weeks makes!
What a difference 3 weeks makes!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Crazy Dog
Well, the dogs are getting along great with Caitlin. They are learning to keep their distance and be gentle with her. Reese is so fond of her, in fact, that he thinks anything she touches is tasty!
A few days ago, we used a bulb to remove some formula from Caitlin's mouth because she was spitting up. Reese found it and ate it. Apparently baby spit is delicious to a dog. Yesterday, Kathy and her mom were preparing to take Caitlin out when Kathy noticed something odd about the buckle on Caitlin's car seat. That's right - Reese had eaten it too!
Oh well, I suppose there's no accounting for taste.
A few days ago, we used a bulb to remove some formula from Caitlin's mouth because she was spitting up. Reese found it and ate it. Apparently baby spit is delicious to a dog. Yesterday, Kathy and her mom were preparing to take Caitlin out when Kathy noticed something odd about the buckle on Caitlin's car seat. That's right - Reese had eaten it too!
Oh well, I suppose there's no accounting for taste.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Two Weeks Old
Well, we're getting to learn Caitlin's personality now. We have figured out what bothers her (diaper changes and getting into her car seat) and what she enjoys (being in her car seat). When she is awake she is very curious. We have found her favorite toy: a plastic elephant holding a rattle (good girl, already a little Republican). She is also very interested in faces. Last night as I was playing with her, she kept grabbing my face (particularly my lips - as you can see in this picture). It is going to be so much fun to watch her grow up!
On that note, I'm going back to work tomorrow. I don't know how that adjustment is going to go, but I have plenty of pictures to put on my desk. I'm hoping that I can squeeze some real quality time in between when I get home and when she goes to bed. [sigh]
On that note, I'm going back to work tomorrow. I don't know how that adjustment is going to go, but I have plenty of pictures to put on my desk. I'm hoping that I can squeeze some real quality time in between when I get home and when she goes to bed. [sigh]
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Best Laid Plans
Had Kathy not delivered early, today was scheduled to be the day Caitlin was to be delivered. I cannot imagine if we would have had to wait. Both mom and baby are doing very well. Caitlin is increasingly alert during the day and we are eager to show her all of her cool toys (I think they are more for mom and dad than baby!).
I have also gained an even greater level of respect for Kathy. I have always admired how organized and prepared she was for situations, but Caitlin has really helped to show me, also, how strong she is. She bears the long nights gracefully and hardly shows how tired I know she must be. She devours as much information as she can and always has questions ready that I didn't even think of. Caitlin's a lucky little girl.
I have also gained an even greater level of respect for Kathy. I have always admired how organized and prepared she was for situations, but Caitlin has really helped to show me, also, how strong she is. She bears the long nights gracefully and hardly shows how tired I know she must be. She devours as much information as she can and always has questions ready that I didn't even think of. Caitlin's a lucky little girl.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Four Generations
This weekend my Mom and my Grandparents came up for a visit. This gave us an opportunity to get a photo of four generations of women on my Mother's side! Pictured: my Mom Cindy, Caitlin, Me, and my Grandmother Joyce.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Caitlin's first tummy time
Here is Caitlin's first tummy time already trying to hold up her head and strengthening her neck muscles! Of course her Daddy thinks she is advanced!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Caitlin is One Week Old Today
One week ago at this time we were in Winnie Palmer Hospital preparing for Kathy to head down to the O.R.. This morning we spent some time at the pediatrician's office getting Caitlin checked out - making sure everything was OK and asking some questions (nervous parents). This evening, if all goes well, we will be outside watching the space shuttle "Endeavour" take off on STS 118 with the first teacher in space on board (Christa McAuliffe's backup in 1986).
When is the shuttle scheduled to lift off? 6:36 PM - 1 week to the minute from when Caitlin was born.
When is the shuttle scheduled to lift off? 6:36 PM - 1 week to the minute from when Caitlin was born.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Carmie Meets Caitlin
Well, we weren't quite sure how the introduction would go between Caitlin and the dogs. Surprisingly enough, Reese has been exceptionally well behaved around her. He occasionally comes over to sniff her but, otherwise, doesn't really even acknowledge her.
Then there's Carmie. She is not being mean at all, but she is so excited to be around her that she gets a bit crazy. She tries to jump on Kathy and lick Caitlin all over. We're working on calming her down. Today we finally made some progress in calming her down (though she still looks a bit suspicious in this picture!).
Then there's Carmie. She is not being mean at all, but she is so excited to be around her that she gets a bit crazy. She tries to jump on Kathy and lick Caitlin all over. We're working on calming her down. Today we finally made some progress in calming her down (though she still looks a bit suspicious in this picture!).
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