On Tuesday, Caitlin came along with Kathy and I to vote. Of course she was dressed in the appropriate outfit :)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Dog Watching
Caitlin just adores Reese and is more interested in him all the time. Reese has also learned how to be good around Caitlin.
Caitlin's 6 month checkup!
Today was Caitlin's 6 month checkup at the pediatrician. She weighed in at 17lbs 5 oz and 26.5 in. She is in the 78th percentile in weight and 80th percentile in length. The doctor said she has a great weight/length proportion. This is a big growth spurt for her as she was in the 20th percentile in length when she was born. She is going to be tall like her Daddy! She was very good and only cried for a minute after her shots. She didn't cry at all for the pin prick on her finger. The doctor was very impressed with her strength and how happy she is. She now has the go-ahead to eat baby white meat along with her veggies and fruits. She also gets to drink water each day and occasionally juice. We even get to use a sippy cup for the juice! It's hard to believe how fast she is growing up!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Yummy foot?
I forgot to mention in the last post that Caitlin found her feet this week! She has noticed them when she is sitting up before - but this week she has been entranced by them when on the changing table. So cute!
Playing with "Snurtle"
The last week or so has brought many changes! Caitlin has learned a lot of new sounds - including one high pitched noise that makes her sound like a dinosuar! She has also learned how to make "B" and "M" noises along with blowing bubbles. She is sitting up really well now (as you can see in the photo) and can play using both hands without falling over. She is working on rolling over from her back to her front - she can only make it half way right now. She can also move 360 degrees in her crib. Caitlin is also trying to pick up her knees and push them under her body during tummy time- she definately wants to crawl! She is also learning about cause and effect. She has a toy that is a set of keys which has a button that makes the lights turn on. She now knows that when she presses the button she can make it light up. She is in love with this new toy we got her (see picture). When I bought it I thought it was a turtle - Eric said he thought it was a snail. We've fondly renamed it the snurtle. What a week!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Playing with Reese & Carmie
Caitlin has taken quite a liking to Reese. A few days ago, he was just sitting on the chair relaxing and she started laughing!! Now when she plays on the floor, she likes to reach out and grab Reese's ears. He's very good about it and is very patient with her. I think they will be fast friends.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Caitlin is definately a book lover like her parents! Giving her a book and reading to her entertains her much longer than any toy she has. She takes her hand and feels the page, looks at you as you read and has even learned to turn the page for you! Too cute!
Green Beans Everywhere
On Thanksgiving we tried giving Caitlin some Mashed Potatoes - she wasn't too excited about it and didn't quite know what to do. We worked on using the spoon with her during the month but we weren't getting too far. On Christmas day we gave her some baby food green beans and she loved them! She has now been eating Green Beans, Peas, and Squash. She is so funny to watch - she gets so excited when the food comes! Click below for a short video of her on youtube.com eating her Green Beans.
Green Bean Video
Green Bean Video
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Caitlin Sitting Up
Caitlin is changing so fast. Not long ago she could hardly sit up at all. Check her out now!
Caitlin's First Christmas
Caitlin's first Christmas was a lot of fun. We went down south to visit our families. First on the agenda was to take Caitlin and my nephew William to the Broward Mall to see Santa. We arrived at the mall relatively
early in the morning on Saturday and there was already a line. Luckily it was not a long wait and the kids were well-behaved. (In a related observation, it is remarkable how many kids are afraid of Santa. Who knew?) Once we arrived at the front of the line, we were able to get pictures of both William and Caitlin with Santa.
Sunday was Caitlin's baptism. She was baptized at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in North Miami. The service was very intimate and quite wonderful. After the service the family gathered at my Mom's house. Caitlin and William had some more time to get together and we all enjoyed each others' company for a great afternoon.
Christmas day was spent with Kathy's family. Caitlin received many more presents and had a very good time with her Grammy and Papa. Her Great-Aunt Bee visited also.
Unfortunately we had to head back north the day after Christmas but the short time we had was a lot of fun. We had lots of quality time with our family and plenty of time enjoying Caitlin.
Sunday was Caitlin's baptism. She was baptized at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in North Miami. The service was very intimate and quite wonderful. After the service the family gathered at my Mom's house. Caitlin and William had some more time to get together and we all enjoyed each others' company for a great afternoon.
Monday was Christmas Eve and time for a get-together at my Sister's place with my side of the family. This was exciting not only for the fact that it was more family time, but because Caitlin got to open her first Christmas present. It was a present from my sister. It was four outfits and an elephant toy which can clip on her baby seat. Caitlin
was still a little bit too young to open presents by herself but she enjoyed the wrapping paper as she does all things crinkly.
Christmas day was spent with Kathy's family. Caitlin received many more presents and had a very good time with her Grammy and Papa. Her Great-Aunt Bee visited also.
Unfortunately we had to head back north the day after Christmas but the short time we had was a lot of fun. We had lots of quality time with our family and plenty of time enjoying Caitlin.
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