Monday, February 12, 2007

We Heard the Heartbeat!!

Today's appointment was AWESOME!! Peanut has a good, strong heartbeat. When we asked the doctor how he knew it was within the normal range he told us his trick: "That's the Way I Like It" by K.C. and the Sunshine Band is 120 beats/minute, so he just compares to that. We have added a link to the heartbeat at the top right of the page so listen in!!

We also have 3 "new" pictures from the 10 week, 3 day ultrasound (Jan 24) at Flickr in the Baby Blog set.

We are now out of the first trimester. The secret's out. Shout it from the rooftops!!


Dr.Jeeeol said...

Your new website rocks! I will check it all the time!!! I so love the name Peanut!

Eric said...

Thanks Jill :) We're so happy today and glad that we're finally able to share this with our friends! It's been tough keeping it a secret.