Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Peanut is 20 Weeks Old!

How big is Peanut?
Up until this point Peanut's length was measured from the crown of their head to the bottom of their rear end. Now your Peanut's length is measured from crown to heel. Peanut is about 8 inches long and weighs 9 ounces.

What is happening with Peanut? Peanut is covered in a white substance called vernix caseosa. This substance helps protect Peanut's skin from becoming irritated while submersed in amniotic fluid, and it also aids Peanut's passage through the birth canal during labor. Peanut is beginning to produce meconium, a dark green or black sticky substance that constitutes Peanut's first messy diaper. A few babies pass meconium while in the uterus or during labor. Meconium consists of cell loss, amniotic fluid that has been swallowed, and digestive secretions.

(According to the American Pregnancy Association)

Fetal Development Illustration at 20 Weeks

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