Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rolling Over & Misc. stuff

Oh Hello
Originally uploaded by UCFGEEKS
Sunday Caitlin rolled over from her back to her front for the first time! After some intense work that foot finally made it into her mouth Sunday as well! First she sat up and leaned forward to get it - then falling on her face! Then she layed on her back and got it in her mouth that way too! She wiggles all over the place now reaching out for things that she wants. Of course when she can't reach them she starts to fuss! She is definately developing her own little personality! Yesterday she started trying to copy noises I make with my mouth - she blew bubbles out of her mouth after I did it - to cute! Of course she is still Daddy's little girl - he gets big smiles when he comes home from work! She is infatuated with the dogs and loves to run her fingers through Reese's long fur. He is so patient with her! She also likes to pull my glasses off my face - I had to change out my hoop earrings for stems so she couldn't grab those. Also if we are not careful she tries to drink and eat our food! What a sneaky baby! She loves riding in the big girl stroller now - sitting up so straight and trying to eat the front tray. She has a bit of the sniffles right now along with a cough and a hoarse voice - the doctor says she is not contagious and should be better within a week.

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