Monday, January 29, 2007

Peanut is 11 weeks old!

What is happening with Peanut?
Peanut's head accounts for almost half of his/her entire length. Both the fingers and the toes have separated by week 11. Peanut's skin is still very transparent, but his/her bones are beginning to harden. The external genitalia have almost completely formed, and in several weeks we might be able to know if we are having a boy or a girl. Even though I cannot feel Peanut moving around, he/she is very active.

How big is Peanut?
Peanut is about 2 ½ inches long and weighs about half an ounce.

(According to the American Pregnancy Association)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In The Womb

Everyone should watch the National Geographic Channel documentary In the Womb. If you ever had any doubts about how miraculous human life is, this show will cure you of them. It is absolutely amazing how a being so complex could develop from 2 cells (one of them the smallest in the body and the other the largest). Millions of neurons growing every day; bones and joints forming, and a heartbeat at 3 weeks!! How could someone think something so remarkable came about by accident?

Monday, January 22, 2007

OB Workup

Today is my OB Workup appointment. This is a general appointment just for some tests and review items with the doctor. Nothing exciting. The exciting appointment will come at 12 weeks!

Peanut is 10 Weeks old this week!

What is happening with Peanut...
This is the beginning of the fetal period when Peanut's organs continue to grow and mature. The majority of his/her vital organs, kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs are functioning, but will continue to mature throughout the remainder of my pregnancy.
Peantu's head makes up half the length of the body, and there is a bulge in the forehead allowing for brain development. Fingernails, toenails, and hair will begin to become visible this week. The fingers are no longer webbed. Peanut is actively swallowing amniotic fluid and kicking his legs.

How big is Peanut...
Peanut is approximately 2 inches long, about the size of a lime, and weighs about a quarter of an ounce.

(According to the American Pregnancy Association)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

10 Weeks!!

Today "Peanut" reaches the 10 week mark!! The doctor said at 8 weeks that we were more-or-less out of the woods but it's still tough between sonograms. At the most recent appointment, the doctor told us 12 to 18 weeks would be the worst because Kathy would be feeling better but we wouldn't yet be able to feel the baby kick.

. 30 more weeks to go.


We are trying to settle on a list of baby names. We have decided on a girl's name, Caitlin, but we are still undecided on a boy's name. I will try to keep our running list in the column to the right. Right now we are working our way through one of those 100,000 baby names books. Unfortunately, they have so many off-the-wall names that it takes a really long time to get to one which either of us likes. Any suggestions?