Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just Walking & Drawing - Ok not at the same time - but you get the idea...

Our little Picasso
Originally uploaded by UCFGEEKS
Saturday at one of the two birthday parties we attended Caitlin took her first steps! She walked four steps right over to the ottoman I was sitting on! I was thinking woo hoo I knew you could do it! She has been practicing since then - no more than four steps -but it is a start! Yesterday Caitlin was having so much fun drawing on her magnetic sketchboard! The last couple of times she has tried she hasn't really understood or made too many marks - but this time she just took off! She was drawing like crazy and when we asked her what she was drawing she said "dog". Too cute! She also was very confused that her magnetic pen did not work on any other surface such as the carpet, etc. She was so proud of herself. I think it is time to try the sidewalk chalk andcrayons again!