Thursday, September 11, 2008

Some doggie affection and a signing epiphany!

Some doggie affection
Originally uploaded by UCFGEEKS
I mentioned in my last post that Caitlin has been signing "more" obsessively. This has been somewhat frustrating for me (not knowing what she wants more of) but also highly amusing and very interesting! I love finding out what she wants and getting a little peak into how her mind is working. Today Reese licked Caitlin on the face - to which Caitlin looked at me and signed "more" while giggling. Too cute!

As I have done on many days - when I take Caitlin out of our bathroom I put her up to the mirror and say "do you see baby Caitlin in the mirror?". Sometimes she waves and giggles, but today when I did this she decided to give herself a kiss in the mirror. Sweet!

Then tonight we were outside walking the dogs and Caitlin starts signing "more" again. I ask her "more what?" Much to my surprise she signs back "baby". I was so excited so I asked her "baby? you want more baby?" She signed "baby" again. So we immediately went into the house and I handed her the baby doll to which she seemed disinterested. I was completely puzzled. Then I see her crawling towards the bathroom and I realized she wanted "more baby" in the mirror. We went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and she repeatedly signed "baby" and gave herself another kiss. So adorable.

One book I was reading mentioned toes so I took my toes and nudged her toes. This was so funny for her and for the rest of the night she was obsessed with touching our toes together. Cute!

There are hardly words for my delight and wonderment with her tonight.

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